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Egg Donor Australia: Cost And Fees

If you cannot conceive with your own eggs, you may be exploring egg donor options in Australia. Of course, before making a decision, you’ll want to understand the cost and fees associated with this fertility treatment. When comparing costs, one thing to consider is whether you’ll be using fresh eggs or frozen eggs. Some intended Egg Donor Australia: Cost And Fees

Anonymous Sperm Donation to Become a Thing of the Past?


While anonymous sperm donation has been scrapped in the UK and Australia, it is still practiced in other countries including France and Spain. However, as a recent article in Israeli Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper shows, maintaining anonymity may not actually be possible anymore. The reason: the rise of genetic testing companies. According to Israeli law, sperm Anonymous Sperm Donation to Become a Thing of the Past?

Scientific Breakthrough: Human Eggs Grown in a Lab


Experts from Edinburgh University have recently managed to grow human eggs in laboratory conditions. They believe this breakthrough will be able to assist in preserving the fertility of patients diagnosed with cancer at a young age, and will also help gain insight into the process by which oocytes develop. Oocytes begin to gradually mature after Scientific Breakthrough: Human Eggs Grown in a Lab

Common Allergy Medicine Causes Male Infertility?


It is not a secret that allergies are on the rise in the industrialized world and that antihistamines are one of the most common methods of combatting the symptoms. However, a recent study from Argentina suggests these popular over-the-counter medications may not be as benign as originally thought. What are antihistamines? Histamines are a substance Common Allergy Medicine Causes Male Infertility?

Planning IVF? This Diet will Help You Fall Pregnant


A new study published last week in Oxford University’s Human Reproduction journal suggests that adhering to a Mediterranean diet for the 6 months leading up to your fertility treatment can improve the odds of getting pregnant by close to 70%. The caveat: it only works for women under 35. The study, conducted at Athens University, Planning IVF? This Diet will Help You Fall Pregnant

Do Sleep Disorders Affect Fertility?


Approximately 10% of women experience problems when trying to get pregnant. Ovulation disorders, (such as PCOS), hormonal imbalances, structural abnormalities (i.e. blocked falloian tubes) and harmful habits (i.e. smoking and alcohol abuse) are well known causes of infertility. Researchers from Taiwan believe they have discovered another factor. Previous research has already documented a connection between Do Sleep Disorders Affect Fertility?

Fertility Experts to Use an Obstacle Course to Select the Best Sperm for IVF


Scientists from Stanford University have devised a special “obstacle course” that will allow fertility specialists to locate the best sperm for IVF, thus increasing patients’ odds of conceiving. The 14 mm-long device named SPARTAN (Simple Periodic Array for Trapping And isolatioN) contains three-dimensional posts spermatozoa must navigate around. The fastest finishers are then collected to Fertility Experts to Use an Obstacle Course to Select the Best Sperm for IVF

Scientists Close in on Artificial Sperm


Presently, the only means by which IVF patients suffering from certain types of male-factor infertility and lesbian couples can achieve a pregnancy is sperm donation. This, however, might change, thanks to the efforts of specialists from Cambridge University, who are working on creating artificial sperm. Scientists have already created a healthy litter of mice from Scientists Close in on Artificial Sperm

Could Brain Estrogen Hold the Key to Unexplained Infertility Treatment?


Up until recently, fertility experts believed that ovulation depended only on the ovaries. That has changed in 2013 following the discovery of estrogens produced by hypothalamus. Now new research that may help treat at least some cases of unexplained infertility has revealed the importance of brain estradiol to the ovulation process. The menstrual cycle is Could Brain Estrogen Hold the Key to Unexplained Infertility Treatment?

Australian Innovation Promises More High-quality Embryos


Australian fertility experts have developed a new culture fluid (a solution that allows embryos created in vitro to develop), which is said to mimic natural conditions better than any of its predecessors. According to data from a trial that involved 6000 embryos created to 1200 patients between August 2016 and March 2017, using the new Australian Innovation Promises More High-quality Embryos