
We're here always.

At Central IVF, we feel the same level of responsibility to both our recipients and our donors. That is why our egg donors receive the same individualised attention and comprehensive clinical care you have come to know and expect from our fertility specialists.

Where do Our Egg Donors Come From?

The Central IVF team recruits and screens oocyte donors from Ukraine whilst adhering to the guidelines of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) and our own institutional ethics board. We pride ourselves on our donor welfare and do the utmost to ensure their well-being. We make certain that each and every one of our donors is acting of her own free will and that she hasn’t been in any way coerced or donating for financial reasons.

The CentralIVF team cares for our donors and strives to empower them through support, appreciation, love and gratitude.

Egg Donor Reimbursement:

Central IVF does not pay women for their

CentraL IVF strictly follows the Human Fertilisation & Embryology Authority (HFEA) Directions and Guidelines with regard to donor reimbursement.

The HFEA Directions and Guidelines applicable state:

General Directions 0006 – ‘(h) no money or other benefits has been given or received in respect of the supply of the gametes or embryos unless the money or benefits paid or received is in accordance with Directions 0001 (Gamete and embryo donation) or any subsequent Directions given by the Authority relating to giving and receiving money or other benefits;’

General Direction 0001 ‘Gamete and Embryo Donation’ – Giving or receiving money or other benefits in respect to any import of gametes or embryos from outside the UK

When considering whether to import gametes donated overseas, the centre should ensure the donor has not received compensation which exceeds:

(a) Reasonable expenses incurred by the donor in connection with the donation of gametes provided to that centre; and

(b) Loss of earnings (but not for other costs or inconveniences) incurred by the donor up to a daily maximum of £61.28 but with an overall limit of £250 for each course or cycle of donation (local currency equivalent)

When receiving donated gametes from overseas, the centre must keep a record (provided by the overseas centre) of:

(a) The actual expenses incurred by the donor;

(b) The amount reimbursed to the donor; and

(c) The receipts produced by the donor, and/or the steps taken by the person responsible to satisfy themselves that the excess expenses claimed by the donor have in fact been incurred.”

Donor Screening:

Central IVF’s multidisciplinary donor screening team includes a physician, a psychologist, a counsellor and a genetic counsellor. Our thorough screening process includes a full review of medical history, physical examination, testing for infectious diseases, genetic screening and psychological evaluation. Additionally, mandatory counselling is provided to all donors throughout the process to ensure their complete consent and understanding of the process.

As part of our rigorous testing, all prospective egg donors undergo the following investigations:

Blood Tests:

Hepatitis Bs Ag

Hepatitis C Ab

HLTV 1 and 2

Mycoplasma Hominis

Neisseria Gonorrhoeae

Full Blood Count (FBC)

Hepatitis Bs Ab

Syphilis – VDRL – TPHA

CMV IgG and IgM

Chlamydia Trachomatis


Anti-Hep Bc

HIV 1and 2

Blood Group and Antibodies

Genetic Tests:

Chromosome Study

Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)


Fragile X Syndrome

Cystic Fibrosis Screen

Test Performed Within 7 Days Following Egg Collection:

HBV (Nucleic Acid Test)

HCV (Nucleic Acid Test)

HIV (Nucleic Acid Test)